the ratio of cetaceans to fish in the harbor was 3 to 13. how many fish were in the harbor if there were 390 cetaceans

3:13 = 90:390


3:13 = 390:1690

extra credit. why was my first answer wrong?

To find the number of fish in the harbor, we can set up a proportion based on the given ratio.

The ratio of cetaceans to fish is 3:13. This means that for every 3 cetaceans, there are 13 fish.

Let's assign variables to the number of cetaceans (C) and the number of fish (F) in the harbor. We know that there are 390 cetaceans, so C = 390.

Using the ratio, we can set up the following proportion:

C / F = 3 / 13

Substituting C with 390, we get:

390 / F = 3 / 13

To solve for F, we can cross-multiply:

3F = 390 * 13

3F = 5070

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 3:

F = 5070 / 3

F ≈ 1690

Therefore, there are approximately 1690 fish in the harbor.