8.6* 5 1/4 (decimal)

what's the problem?

5 1/4 = 5.25
now multiply.

To calculate the product of 8.6 and 5 1/4 in decimal form, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Convert the fractional part of 5 1/4 into decimal form.
1/4 = 0.25

Step 2: Multiply 8.6 by the whole number part of 5 1/4 (which is 5).
8.6 * 5 = 43

Step 3: Multiply 8.6 by the decimal part of 5 1/4 (which is 0.25).
8.6 * 0.25 = 2.15

Step 4: Add the results from step 2 and step 3.
43 + 2.15 = 45.15

Therefore, 8.6 * 5 1/4 (in decimal form) is equal to 45.15.

To calculate 8.6 multiplied by 5 1/4 in decimal form, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number "5 1/4" into an improper fraction.
To do this, multiply the whole number (5) by the denominator (4), which gives you 20. Then add the numerator (1) to get 21. Rewrite it as an improper fraction: 21/4.

Step 2: Multiply 8.6 by 21/4.
To multiply a decimal number by a fraction, first ignore the decimal point and multiply the decimal number (8.6) by the numerator (21). Then divide the result by the denominator (4). Remember to keep track of decimal places.

8.6 * 21 = 180.6
180.6 / 4 = 45.15

So, the answer to 8.6 multiplied by 5 1/4 (in decimal form) is 45.15.