I am in 5th grade and i just want to know something : if i take science do i have to take classes that includes frog diseccetion and the human body? Because that stuff grosses me out and creeps me out.

By the way i meant for the subject to be science.

Biology might involve frog dissection but not human dissection.

Other sciences, like botany, chemistry, and physics, do not involve dissections.

but Ms. Sue im in grade 11 and in grade 10 in science I did frog disection

In 5th grade, science is usually a general subject that covers a wide range of topics to introduce you to the basics of various scientific fields. While a detailed curriculum may vary depending on your school or education system, it's unlikely that you'll have to dissect frogs or study the human body at this level.

Typically, introductory science classes in 5th grade focus more on topics like basic chemistry, the properties of matter, forces and motion, energy, the Earth's ecosystem, and simple experiments. These topics are usually taught in a way that is age-appropriate and avoids potentially unsettling or gross subjects like dissection.

However, as you progress through your education, topics may become more specific and detailed. In middle or high school, you may have the option to take biology courses where dissection and the human body might be covered in more depth. By that time, you might feel more comfortable with these topics, or you may have the option to choose other branches of science that align with your interests.

Remember, if you ever feel uncomfortable or have concerns about certain topics, it's essential to discuss them with your teacher or guidance counselor. They can help you find alternatives or provide support to ensure your learning experience is enjoyable and informative.