The distance from earth to planet X is 1.7(10^7)miles. If a spaceship is capable of traveling 1,420 miles per hour, how many DAYS will it take the spaceship to reach the planet X? Round the answer to the nearest day.

T = 1.7*10^7mi*1h/1.42*10^3mi*1day/24h=

499 Days.

To find the number of days it will take for the spaceship to reach planet X, we need to calculate the total travel time.

First, let's convert the spaceship's speed from miles per hour to miles per day. There are 24 hours in a day, so the spaceship can travel 1,420 miles x 24 hours = 34,080 miles in a day.

Next, we divide the total distance from Earth to planet X, which is 1.7 * 10^7 miles, by the spaceship's daily travel distance of 34,080 miles:

(1.7 * 10^7 miles) / (34,080 miles/day) = 498.83 days

Since we are rounding to the nearest day, the spaceship will take approximately 499 days to reach planet X.