A Quadratic Word Problem

If one side of a square is increased by 2 inches and an adjacent side is decreased by 2 inches, the area of the resulting rectangle is 32 square inches. Find the length of one side of the square.

a = length of one side of the square

W = Rectangle width

H = Rectangle height

A = Rectangle area

W = a + 2

H = a - 2

A = W * H

A = ( a + 2 ) * ( a - 2 ) = 32

32 = a ^ 2 + 2 a - 2 a - 4

32 = a ^ - 4 Add 4 to both sides

32 + 4 = a ^ - 4 + 4

36 = a ^ 2

a = sqrt ( 36 ) = 6

The length of one side of the square = 6 in

6 inch

To solve this quadratic word problem, we need to follow a few steps:

Step 1: Let's assume the length of one side of the square is x inches.

Step 2: If one side of the square is increased by 2 inches, then the length of the rectangle will be (x + 2) inches.

Step 3: Similarly, if an adjacent side is decreased by 2 inches, then the width of the rectangle will be (x - 2) inches.

Step 4: The area of a rectangle is given by the formula: Area = Length × Width. So, the area of the rectangle is (x + 2) × (x - 2).

Step 5: According to the problem, the area of the rectangle is 32 square inches. So, we can set up the equation: (x + 2) × (x - 2) = 32.

Now, let's solve this equation to find the length of one side of the square:

(x + 2) × (x - 2) = 32
(x^2 - 2x + 2x - 4) = 32
(x^2 - 4) = 32
x^2 = 32 + 4
x^2 = 36

Taking the square root of both sides, we get:
x = ±√36
x = ±6

Since the side length of a square cannot be negative, we discard the negative value.

Therefore, the length of one side of the square is 6 inches.