Balance equation c2h3cl + br2

C2H3Cl + Br2 → C2H3BrCl + Br

To balance the equation C2H3Cl + Br2, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Count the number of each type of atom on both sides of the equation.
On the left side, we have:
- 2 carbon atoms (C)
- 3 hydrogen atoms (H)
- 1 chlorine atom (Cl)
On the right side, we have:
- 2 bromine atoms (Br)

Step 2: Balance the least abundant atoms first. In this case, the chlorine atom is the least abundant, with 1 on the left side and 0 on the right side. To balance it, add a coefficient of 2 in front of HCl.

2 C2H3Cl + Br2

After this step, the atoms are balanced as follows:
- Carbon: 4 (2 × 2) on both sides
- Hydrogen: 6 (2 × 3) on both sides
- Chlorine: 2 (2 × 1) on both sides
- Bromine: 2 on the right side

Step 3: Balance the remaining atoms. In this case, we only have bromine atoms left to balance. Since there are 2 bromine atoms on the right side, we need a coefficient of 1/2 in front of Br2 to balance the equation.

2 C2H3Cl + 1/2 Br2

Now the equation is balanced:
- Carbon: 4 on both sides
- Hydrogen: 6 on both sides
- Chlorine: 2 on both sides
- Bromine: 1 on both sides

The balanced equation is:
2 C2H3Cl + 1/2 Br2 → C4H6Cl2 + 1/2 HBr

To balance the equation C2H3Cl + Br2, you need to ensure that the number of atoms of each element is equal on both sides of the equation. Here's how you can balance it:

1. Start by counting the number of atoms on each side of the equation:

Left side (reactants):
C: 2 atoms
H: 3 atoms
Cl: 1 atom
Br: 2 atoms

Right side (products):
C: 2 atoms
H: 3 atoms
Cl: 1 atom
Br: 2 atoms

2. Begin by balancing the most complex and least abundant elements first. In this case, it's the chlorine (Cl).

Since there is only 1 Cl atom on both sides, it is already balanced.

3. Next, balance the bromine (Br) atoms.

Since there are 2 Br atoms on both sides, it is also already balanced.

4. Finally, balance the carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) atoms.

Since there are 2 C atoms and 3 H atoms on both sides, they are also already balanced.

Therefore, the balanced equation is:

C2H3Cl + Br2 → C2H3Br + Cl2