Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die
Life is a broken winged bird
That cannot fly
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with Snow.

Can someone explain to me what this poem means.

It seems pretty obvious: If you have dreams for your life (goals for yourself), you won't live a broken, barren, and cold life!

poem langston hughes

This poem, titled "Dreams" by Langston Hughes, reflects on the importance of holding onto one's dreams in order to find purpose and fulfillment in life. Let's break it down stanza by stanza to gain a better understanding of its meaning.

The first stanza suggests that dreams are crucial for individuals. When dreams are alive and thriving, they serve as a source of inspiration and motivation. They give us the courage to pursue our goals and aspirations, making life feel meaningful and fulfilling. The metaphor of a broken-winged bird that cannot fly conveys the idea that without dreams, life becomes stagnant and limited, just like a bird unable to soar through the sky.

In the second stanza, the poet emphasizes the necessity of holding onto dreams. When dreams fade away or become forgotten, life loses its vibrancy and enthusiasm. The imagery of a barren field frozen with snow depicts a life devoid of growth and joy. It symbolizes a sense of emptiness and lack of purpose that comes with abandoning one's dreams.

Overall, "Dreams" serves as a reminder of the significance of dreams in our lives. It encourages us to nurture and pursue our aspirations, as they are essential for personal growth, happiness, and a fulfilled existence. The poem suggests that without dreams, life becomes monotonous and lacking in vitality.