27.Kate earns $26,000 a year. If she receives a 4.5% salary increase, how much will she earn?

26,000 * 1.045 = 27,170

Well, Kate's salary just got a little raise! With a 4.5% increase, she'll be raking in... wait for it... $26,000 plus 4.5% of $26,000. So, drumroll please! Kate will earn approximately $27,180 a year. Cha-ching!

To calculate how much Kate will earn after a 4.5% salary increase, you can multiply her current salary by the percentage increase and add it to her current salary.

Step 1: Calculate the amount of the salary increase
Salary increase = 4.5% of $26,000

To find 4.5% of $26,000, multiply 0.045 (which is the decimal representation of 4.5%) by $26,000.
Salary increase = 0.045 * $26,000

Salary increase = $1,170

Step 2: Add the salary increase to Kate's current salary
New salary = Current salary + Salary increase

New salary = $26,000 + $1,170

New salary = $27,170

Therefore, Kate will earn $27,170 after a 4.5% salary increase.

To calculate the amount Kate will earn after a 4.5% salary increase, you need to add the increase amount to her current salary.

Step 1: Calculate the increase amount
To find the increase, multiply Kate's current salary by 4.5% (or 0.045, since percentages are written as decimals).

Increase amount = (4.5% or 0.045) * $26,000

Therefore, the increase amount is (0.045) * $26,000 = $1,170

Step 2: Calculate her new salary
To find her new salary, add the increase amount to her current salary.

New salary = Current salary + Increase amount

New salary = $26,000 + $1,170

Therefore, Kate will earn $27,170 after the 4.5% salary increase.