Please help!

What event made the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles virtually impossible?

a. The fact that Wilson had not taken any representatives from the opposition to France
b. Wilson's open contempt for the opposition in the Senate
c. Wilson's tactics of delay, demanding a public reading of the entire document
d. Wilson's cross-country speaking tour which embarrassed the congressional leadership
e. Wilson's stroke in Colorado, rendering him immobile for the final 18 months of his term

I'm stuck between b,d, and e, but if I had to pick one I'd say b. Is this correct?


Yo help

I agree.

Hmmmm. I disagree. And I don't like the question.

on b, there was considerable aminosity between Lodge and Wilson, and perhaps distrust, but it was both ways.
on d, Lodge started the speaking tour in opposition.
on c, it had nothing to do with making it impossible.
a is true, Wilson should and could have taken a Republican with him.
I think e was the final problem, when he had is stroke, he could no longer give a strong personal appeal to various groups which could have supported the treaty. Many diverse groups didn't like provisions of it: German Americans, Italian Americans, Irish immigrants, diehard American Isolationists. So with his stroke, there was so many reasons politically to vote against it. I like answer e, if I have to choose one reason for the icing on the cake.

To determine which event made the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles virtually impossible, let's analyze each option:

a. The fact that Wilson had not taken any representatives from the opposition to France: While this may have contributed to the opposition's dissatisfaction, it was not the primary reason that made the ratification impossible.

b. Wilson's open contempt for the opposition in the Senate: This option is a likely candidate. During Wilson's presidency, he did exhibit a dismissive attitude towards the opposition, which created resentment and hindered the ratification process.

c. Wilson's tactics of delay, demanding a public reading of the entire document: Though this approach did provoke some pushback from the opposition, it did not render the ratification virtually impossible.

d. Wilson's cross-country speaking tour which embarrassed the congressional leadership: While Wilson's tour did contribute to strained relations between him and Congress, it did not directly result in the impossibility of ratification.

e. Wilson's stroke in Colorado, rendering him immobile for the final 18 months of his term: This option is a strong contender. Wilson's incapacitation significantly weakened his ability to lead and advocate for the treaty, ultimately making ratification virtually impossible.

Considering these factors, option e, Wilson's stroke in Colorado, is the most accurate answer. It led to his prolonged immobilization, effectively diminishing his capacity to push for the treaty's ratification.