what is 4 5/6 + 3 2/3? First I had to find out the LCD which is 12. since 6 goes into 12 twice I X 5 by 2 and got 4 10/12 + 3 8/12 which gave me 7 18/12 I divided that by 2 and got 7 9/6 and then divided that by 3 and got 7 3/2 which I thought was my answer but the that wasn't one of my choices. My choices are 1 1/6; 7 7/16; 8 1/2 and 8 2/3. What did I do wrong?

2 / 3 = 4 / 6

4 5 / 6 + 3 2 / 3 =

4 5 / 6 + 3 4 / 6 =

7 9 / 6 = 7 + 6 / 6 + 3 / 6 =

7 + 1 + 3 / 6 = 8 3 / 6 = 8 1 / 2


3 / 6 = 1 / 2


7 3/2 = 8 1/2

You could have made it simpler. The LCD is 6.

4 5/6 + 3 4/6 = 7 9/6 = 8 3/6 = 8 1/2

4 5/6 } 5/6

+ 3 2/3 } 2 * 2 = 4
________ - -
7 3 * 2 = 6

Now add 5 + 4 9
- - = -
6 6 6
Now as you see the number has become an improper fraction . So now you do this:

A: 9 9 3
7 - = - = 9 - 6 = 3 = 8 - =
6 6 6
8 -

8 - is your answer because when you are
changing an improper fraction, you are actually simplifying . So when you were changing 3 , you were simplifying it to
It's simplliest form. And you get the 8 because when you were subtracting 9 - 6 you first count 6 which is one whole already, then you go 7 8 9 . Then you got 3 . So now you have to simplyfy it
to its simpliest form . So you divide it by 3 which then gives you 1 . Then
you just put the eight in the front of the 1/2 . That's your answer: 8 1/2

my answer doesnt show good. I have to fix it.

To solve the expression 4 5/6 + 3 2/3, you correctly found the least common denominator (LCD) as 12. However, it seems there was a mistake during the addition process. Let's go through the steps again:

1. Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
4 5/6 = (4 * 6 + 5)/6 = 29/6
3 2/3 = (3 * 3 + 2)/3 = 11/3

2. Find a common denominator of 12 for the fractions:
Since 6 already goes into 12, no adjustments are needed for 29/6.
Multiply the numerator and the denominator of 11/3 by 4 to get:
11/3 = (11 * 4)/(3 * 4) = 44/12

3. Now, add the fractions:
(29/6) + (44/12) = (29/6) + (44/12)

Since the denominators are the same, we can add the numerators directly:
29/6 + 44/12 = (29 + 44)/12 = 73/12

4. Convert the improper fraction back to a mixed number:
73/12 = 6 remainder 1
Thus, the final answer is 6 1/12.

Therefore, none of the options given (1 1/6; 7 7/16; 8 1/2; 8 2/3) match the correct answer of 6 1/12.