IF 47.2506=4A + 7/D +2C +5/D +6E


47.2506 = 40+7+.2+.05+.0006 COMPARING WE GET A= 10, D=1 C=.1 , D=100 , E= .0001


To find the value of 5A + 3B + 6C + D + 3E, we first need to determine the values of the variables A, B, C, D, and E. Let's start by solving the equation 47.2506 = 4A + 7/D + 2C + 5/D + 6E.

Since the equation involves fractions (7/D and 5/D), let's eliminate the fractions by finding a common denominator.

We can rewrite the equation as follows:
47.2506 = 4A + (7/D + 5/D) + 2C + 6E

Combining the fractions gives:
47.2506 = 4A + (12/D) + 2C + 6E

Next, let's simplify the equation further by combining like terms. The terms containing variables are 4A, 12/D, 2C, and 6E.

To combine the terms, we need more information or additional equations that involve these variables. Without more information, we cannot determine the values of A, B, C, D, and E or evaluate the expression 5A + 3B + 6C + D + 3E accurately.

If there is additional information or equations available, please provide them, and we can continue the calculation.