Write a C++ program in which you declare variables that will hold an hourly wage, a

number of hours worked, and a withholding percentage. Prompt the user to enter values
for each of these fields. Compute and display net weekly pay, which is calculated as
hours times rate, minus the percentage of the gross pay that is withholding.

To write a C++ program to calculate net weekly pay, you need to follow these steps:

1. Declare the necessary variables: hourly wage, number of hours worked, withholding percentage, and net weekly pay.
2. Prompt the user to enter values for each field.
3. Calculate the gross pay by multiplying the hourly wage and the number of hours worked.
4. Calculate the withholding amount by multiplying the gross pay with the withholding percentage (converted to decimal).
5. Calculate the net weekly pay by subtracting the withholding amount from the gross pay.
6. Display the net weekly pay.

Here's the C++ code that implements these steps:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
// Step 1: Declare the variables
double hourlyWage, numHoursWorked, withholdingPercentage, netWeeklyPay;

// Step 2: Prompt the user to enter values
std::cout << "Enter the hourly wage: ";
std::cin >> hourlyWage;

std::cout << "Enter the number of hours worked: ";
std::cin >> numHoursWorked;

std::cout << "Enter the withholding percentage: ";
std::cin >> withholdingPercentage;

// Step 3: Calculate the gross pay
double grossPay = hourlyWage * numHoursWorked;

// Step 4: Calculate the withholding amount
double withholdingAmount = grossPay * (withholdingPercentage / 100.0);

// Step 5: Calculate the net weekly pay
netWeeklyPay = grossPay - withholdingAmount;

// Step 6: Display the net weekly pay
std::cout << "Net Weekly Pay: $" << netWeeklyPay << std::endl;

return 0;

Copy this code into a C++ compiler and run it. You will be prompted to enter the hourly wage, number of hours worked, and withholding percentage. After you enter these values, the program will calculate and display the net weekly pay.