^ RST m<RST = 46 and RS ~ ST . Find m<STR


what is the measure of rat 46

To find the measure of angle STR, we will first use the information given to determine the measures of angle RST and angle RS.

From the given information, we know that m<RST is given as 46 degrees. Therefore, m<RST = 46.

We are also given that RS is approximately equal to ST, which implies that they have equal measures. Let's assume this measure to be x degrees. Therefore, m<RS = x and m<ST = x.

The sum of the measures of angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees. Using this, we can set up the equation:

m<RST + m<RST + m<STR = 180

Substituting the given values:

46 + 46 + m<STR = 180


92 + m<STR = 180

Subtracting 92 from both sides:

m<STR = 180 - 92

m<STR = 88

Therefore, the measure of angle STR is 88 degrees.