sita and gita start walking from the same point on the road but in opposite directions.if sita walks at the speed of 5km/h and gita @ a speed of 4km/h,in how much time will they be 27km apart

In t hours,

distance covered by Sita is 5t
distance covered by Gita is 4t
solve for t:
5t + 4t = 27
9t = 27
t = 3 hours


very good answer

To find the time it takes for Sita and Gita to be 27 km apart, we can use the formula:

time = distance / relative speed.

The relative speed is the combined speed at which Sita and Gita are moving away from each other. Since they are walking in opposite directions, we can simply add their individual speeds.

So, the relative speed = 5 km/h + 4 km/h = 9 km/h.

Now, we can substitute the values into the formula to calculate the time it takes for them to be 27 km apart:

time = 27 km / 9 km/h = 3 hours.

Therefore, Sita and Gita will be 27 km apart in 3 hours.

Your answer is right but can you explain in proper way


Eshe linear equation see solve karname tha

Eshe linear equation see solve karnataka tha

In t hours,

distance covered by Sita is 5t
distance covered by Gita is 4t

solve for t:

5t + 4t = 27