Is this the right form of "to" in this sentence?

I believe an education at XX College would give me the opportunity to hone my abilities and turn them into skills that can be translated to a successful career.


I'd use "into" after "translated."

Thanks :)

i want to correcting some sentences by using coordinators subordinators and transition worlds

Yes, the use of "to" in the sentence you provided is correct. It is used as part of the infinitive verb phrase "to hone." The infinitive form is often used after certain verbs, such as "believe," to express purpose or intention. To confirm the correctness of the sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the verb: The main verb in the sentence is "give."
2. Identify the subject: The subject of the verb "give" is "an education at XX College."
3. Analyze the object complement: The phrase "the opportunity to hone my abilities and turn them into skills that can be translated to a successful career" functions as the object complement. In this case, "to hone" is correct because it is an infinitive verb phrase that follows the verb "give" and expresses the purpose or goal of the education.
4. Check for agreement: There are no agreement errors in the sentence, as the subject and verb agree in number.

Therefore, based on the analysis, the use of "to" in this sentence is correct.