6 years from now , the sum of the ages of Megie and Vince is equal to 18. Four years from now, twice Vince age is equal to Megie's age plud 26

To solve this problem, we can use algebra. Let's define the variables and set up equations based on the given information:

Let's say Megie's current age is M and Vince's current age is V.

From the first statement, "6 years from now, the sum of the ages of Megie and Vince is equal to 18," we can set up the equation:

(M + 6) + (V + 6) = 18

Simplifying this equation:
M + V + 12 = 18
M + V = 6 --- Equation 1

From the second statement, "Four years from now, twice Vince's age is equal to Megie's age plus 26," we can set up the equation:

2(V + 4) = M + 4 + 26

Simplifying this equation:
2V + 8 = M + 30
2V = M + 22 --- Equation 2

Now we have a system of equations. To solve it, we can use the substitution method:

Substitute Equation 2 into Equation 1:

M + V = 6
M = 2V - 22

Now we can substitute the expression for M in terms of V into Equation 1:

(2V - 22) + V = 6
3V - 22 = 6
3V = 6 + 22
3V = 28
V = 28/3

Let's calculate V:

V = 9.3333 (rounded to four decimal places)

Now substitute V back into Equation 1 to find M:

M + V = 6
M + 9.3333 = 6
M = 6 - 9.3333
M = -3.3333

Both M and V indicate fractional ages, which are not meaningful in the given context (ages cannot be fractions).

Therefore, based on the given information, it seems that the problem may have been set up incorrectly or there was a mistake in the data provided. Please double-check the information and ensure there are no errors.