Develop a “Welcome Letter” for the visiting students. Keep in mind that the students have not lived in the United States nor attended a U.S. college before. What do they need to know about making and keeping friends here in the U.S.?

See Related Questions below.

Dear Visiting Students,

Welcome to the United States! We are delighted to have you here and we hope your journey has been smooth thus far. As you embark on this new adventure, we understand that making friends and building connections can be an important aspect of your experience. We would like to offer some guidance on how to make and keep friends here in the U.S.

1. Be open and approachable: One of the best ways to make friends is by being approachable and open to meeting new people. Smile, make eye contact, and be willing to strike up conversations. Don't be afraid to introduce yourself to others and show interest in their lives and culture.

2. Join clubs and organizations: Colleges and universities in the U.S. offer a wide range of clubs and organizations where you can meet individuals who share similar interests. Being a part of these groups can provide opportunities to bond with like-minded people and establish meaningful friendships.

3. Attend social events: Take advantage of social events organized by your college or university. These events can include orientation activities, welcome parties, and cultural fairs. Going to these gatherings provides a chance to meet a diverse group of individuals in a relaxed and welcoming environment.

4. Learn about American customs and traditions: Familiarize yourself with American customs and traditions to help you understand and connect with people better. This doesn't mean you need to abandon your own culture, but showing an interest in American ways of life can be a bridge to building friendships.

5. Embrace diversity: The U.S. is a melting pot of cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. Embrace the diversity around you and seek to learn from others. Be open-minded and respectful toward different opinions and beliefs, as these qualities foster strong and lasting friendships.

6. Utilize campus resources: Most colleges and universities have resources specifically designed to help international students adjust and make friends. These resources can include student support services, clubs for international students, and intercultural programs. Make use of these facilities to connect with others who may be going through similar experiences.

7. Be patient and persistent: Building friendships takes time, so be patient with the process. Don't get discouraged if you don't immediately find your "tribe." Keep putting yourself out there, attending social events, and engaging in activities. Friendships will naturally evolve over time.

We sincerely hope that these tips will help you navigate the social landscape and make lifelong friendships during your time in the United States. Remember, friendship is a two-way street, so be proactive in initiating conversations and getting to know others.

Once again, welcome to the U.S. We wish you a fantastic academic journey filled with unforgettable memories and lasting friendships.

Best regards,

[Your Name]