There are 18 bottlenose dolphins at an aquarium. One sixth of the bottlenose dolphins are not adults. How many of the bottlenose dolphins are not adults?


(1/6) * 18 = ?


To find out how many bottlenose dolphins are not adults, we need to divide the total number of dolphins by 6 (since one-sixth of the dolphins are not adults).

18 dolphins / 6 = 3 dolphins

Therefore, there are 3 bottlenose dolphins that are not adults.

To find out how many bottlenose dolphins are not adults, we first need to determine the fraction of the dolphins that are not adults.

The problem states that one sixth of the bottlenose dolphins are not adults. This means that out of every 6 dolphins, 1 is not an adult.

To calculate how many dolphins are not adults, we can divide the total number of dolphins by 6 and then use the quotient to determine the number of non-adult dolphins.

Let's break it down:

1) Divide the total number of bottlenose dolphins by 6:
18 ÷ 6 = 3

2) The quotient, 3, represents the number of groups of 6 dolphins.

3) Multiply the quotient by 1 to find the number of non-adult dolphins:
3 × 1 = 3

Therefore, there are 3 bottlenose dolphins that are not adults.