5. At the half-time show, a marching band marched in formation. The lead drummer started at a point with coordinates (–4, –7) and moved 4 steps up and 2 steps left.

a. Write a rule to describe the translation.
I think it is (x,y)-->(x+2,y+4)is this right?

"2 steps left" ---> -2

so (x,y) ---> (x-2, y+4)

To describe the translation of the lead drummer's movement, you can use the formula (x, y) → (x - 2, y + 4).

The formula you provided, (x, y) → (x + 2, y + 4), would actually represent moving 2 steps to the right and 4 steps up, which is the opposite direction to what was specified in the question.

To correctly describe the movement, we need to consider that moving up on a coordinate grid is represented by increasing the y-coordinate, and moving left is represented by decreasing the x-coordinate. Therefore, to move 4 steps up and 2 steps left, we subtract 2 from the x-coordinate (to move left) and add 4 to the y-coordinate (to move up).

So, the correct rule to describe the translation is (x, y) → (x - 2, y + 4).