Identify the feature below using correct crystallographic notation.

In order to identify a feature using correct crystallographic notation, you would need specific information about the crystal structure and the feature you are looking at. Crystallographic notation is a system used to describe the arrangement of atoms or ions within a crystal lattice.

Crystallographic notation includes the Miller indices, which are used to define the orientation and position of crystal planes and directions within the crystal lattice. The Miller indices are represented as three numbers within parentheses, such as (hkl), where h, k, and l are integers representing the intercepts of the crystal planes on the three coordinate axes.

To identify a specific feature, you would need to examine the crystal structure and determine the appropriate Miller indices to describe that feature. For example, if you are looking at a specific crystal plane or direction, you would need to find the intercepts of that plane or direction on the coordinate axes and assign corresponding Miller indices.

It is important to note that without specific information about the crystal structure and feature you are referring to, it is not possible to provide a specific answer using crystallographic notation.