Which sentence avoids using a pronoun reference error?

Al had a dog with fleas, which he was always scratching.
When I called the college, they said they were still accepting applications.
When Kara went to help her sister fix supper, she was very angry.
none of the above

Be sure to post what YOU THINK the answer is for each of your questions. Then someone will help you.

When I called the college, they said they were still accepting applications.

Al had a dog with fleas, which he was always scratching.

Which sentence avoids using a pronoun reference error?

Al had a dog with fleas, which he was always scratching.
When I called the college, they said they were still accepting applications.
When Kara went to help her sister fix supper, she was very angry.
none of the above

To determine which sentence avoids using a pronoun reference error, let's examine each sentence:

1. "Al had a dog with fleas, which he was always scratching."
This sentence has a pronoun reference error. The pronoun "which" does not clearly refer to the correct noun. To avoid this error, we could rewrite the sentence as "Al had a dog with fleas, and he was always scratching it."

2. "When I called the college, they said they were still accepting applications."
This sentence also contains a pronoun reference error. The pronoun "they" is ambiguous and does not clearly refer to a specific noun. A possible revision could be "When I called the college, the admissions office said they were still accepting applications."

3. "When Kara went to help her sister fix supper, she was very angry."
This sentence does not contain a pronoun reference error. The pronouns "Kara" and "she" refer to the same person consistently throughout the sentence.

Therefore, the correct answer is "When Kara went to help her sister fix supper, she was very angry."