You have 29 coins, the total value of which is $1.77. The number of quarter is eight less than the number of pennies and the rest are nickels. How many of each coin do you have?




can you solve this by substution?

To solve this problem, we can use a system of linear equations. Let's assign variables to represent the number of each type of coin.

P = Number of pennies
Q = Number of quarters
N = Number of nickels

From the given information, we can establish the following equations:

1) P + Q + N = 29 (The total number of coins is 29)
2) 0.01P + 0.25Q + 0.05N = 1.77 (The total value of the coins is $1.77)

Now let's find the relationship between P, Q, and N based on the given information:
- The number of quarters is eight less than the number of pennies: Q = P - 8

We can substitute this relationship into equation 1:

P + (P - 8) + N = 29
2P - 8 + N = 29
2P + N = 37

Now we have a system of equations:
2P + N = 37
0.01P + 0.25(P - 8) + 0.05N = 1.77

We can solve this system of equations to find the values of P, Q, and N.

First, let's simplify the second equation:

0.01P + 0.25P - 2 + 0.05N = 1.77
0.26P + 0.05N = 3.77

Now we can solve the system using these two equations:

2P + N = 37 ...(3)
0.26P + 0.05N = 3.77 ...(4)

We can solve this system by either substitution, elimination, or matrix operations. Let's use the substitution method:

From equation (3), we can express N in terms of P:
N = 37 - 2P

Substitute this into equation (4):
0.26P + 0.05(37 - 2P) = 3.77
0.26P + 1.85 - 0.1P = 3.77
0.16P = 3.77 - 1.85
0.16P = 1.92
P = 1.92 / 0.16
P = 12

Substitute P = 12 back into equation (3):
2(12) + N = 37
24 + N = 37
N = 37 - 24
N = 13

Now that we have the values of P and N, we can find Q:
Q = P - 8
Q = 12 - 8
Q = 4

Therefore, you have 12 pennies, 4 quarters, and 13 nickels.