Joshua has 3 yards of ribbon. He needs 1/4 yard to make 1 bow. How many bows can he make?

12 bows

Here is the process. Let b = #bows.

1/4b = 3

Multiply both sides by 4.

b = 12

John has three yards to make bows he needs three fourth how many bows can he make solve problem using division

To find out how many bows Joshua can make, we need to divide the total amount of ribbon he has (3 yards) by how much ribbon is needed to make one bow (1/4 yard).

To divide a whole number by a fraction, we can multiply the whole number by the reciprocal of the fraction.

The reciprocal of 1/4 is 4/1, also known as 4.

So, we have:

3 yards ÷ (1/4 yard) = 3 yards × (4/1)

Now, we can calculate the answer:

3 yards × 4 = 12

Therefore, Joshua can make 12 bows with the 3 yards of ribbon he has.