The $42 shirt came to $45.87 after tax. What is the tax rate? (%)

x = tax rate

42 + x*42 = 45.87.
Solve for x and change to %.

45.87 - 42 = 3.87

3.87 / 42 = 0.092 = 9.2%


I agree with khan that Ms Sue is correct; However, my response is correct, too.

To determine the tax rate, you need to consider the percentage increase from the original price to the final price.

First, calculate the difference between the final price and the original price: $45.87 - $42 = $3.87.

Next, divide this difference by the original price: $3.87 / $42 = 0.0921.

To express this value as a percentage, multiply by 100: 0.0921 x 100 = 9.21%.

Therefore, the tax rate is 9.21%.