The cube of the sum of 5 an 2 is decreased by the square of the product of 6 and 4. Write an expression that models this statement. Then , solve.


I tried this but I'm not sure my answer is right.

(5 + 2)^3 - (6 * 4)^2

7^3 - 24^2

343 - 576 = -233

thank you for trying and hopefully its right :)

You're welcome. I hope so too.

Please check back later. Sometimes a real math teacher checks my work and makes any necessary correction.

To write an expression that models the given statement, let's break it down step by step.

1. The sum of 5 and 2 is (5 + 2).

2. The cube of the sum is (5 + 2)^3.

3. The product of 6 and 4 is (6 * 4).

4. The square of the product is (6 * 4)^2.

Now, we can combine the above expressions to get the final expression:

(5 + 2)^3 - (6 * 4)^2

To solve this expression, let's calculate each part:

(5 + 2)^3 = 7^3 = 343

(6 * 4)^2 = 24^2 = 576

Therefore, the final expression becomes:

343 - 576

Now, calculate the expression to get the solution:

343 - 576 = -233

So, the solution to the expression is -233.