Point S is 4 km west of point R, and point T is 4 km southwest of S. Find the bearing and distance from R to T.

(If possible, show diagrams too, please! Thanks in advance.)

T is 4/√2 km west and 4/√2 km south of S.

So, T is 4+4/√2 = 6.83 km west and 4/√2 = 2.83 km south of R.

Or, if you think of R as (0,0), T is (-6.83,-2.83)

arctan 2.83/6.83 = 22.49°

So, the bearing from R to T is W22.5°S

To find the bearing and distance from point R to point T, we can use trigonometry and the concept of vectors. Let's start by visualizing the scenario:

| \
| \
| S
| |
| |

Given that point S is 4 km west of point R, we can draw a line segment of length 4 km from R to S in the west direction.

| \
| \
| S

Next, we are told that point T is 4 km southwest of point S. This means we need to draw a line segment from S to T, with a length of 4 km, in the southwest direction.

| \
| \
\ T
\ /

Now that we have our diagram, we can find the bearing and distance from R to T.

First, let's calculate the distance. We can use the Pythagorean theorem since we have a right triangle formed by points R, S, and T. The horizontal length RS and vertical length ST form the legs of the triangle, and the hypotenuse is the distance from R to T.

Using the Pythagorean theorem:

RS² + ST² = RT²

Since RS is 4 km and ST is 4 km:

4² + 4² = RT²

16 + 16 = RT²

32 = RT²

Taking the square root of both sides: RT ≈ √32 ≈ 5.66 km

So, the distance from R to T is approximately 5.66 km.

Next, let's find the bearing from R to T. The bearing is the direction in which we would need to travel from R to reach T. We can use trigonometry to find the acute angle θ between RS (west) and RT (hypotenuse).

Using the tangent function:

tan(θ) = opposite/adjacent = ST/RS

tan(θ) = 4 km/4 km = 1

Taking the arctan of both sides: θ ≈ arctan(1)

θ ≈ 45°

Therefore, the bearing from R to T is approximately 45 degrees.

In summary, the bearing from point R to point T is approximately 45 degrees, and the distance is approximately 5.66 km.