Who is correct for each round below? Explain why.

Round 3.
(2+3z)-1+ 12+2- 3=28
Round 2
4z - 2.5 + (8 - 2) = 4
Round 3
2118 - (5 + 3~) + 7] = 32
Round 3.
(2 + 3z)- 3. + 12+ 2- 3 = 33
Round 2
4z - 2" 5 + (8 - 2) = 12
Round 3
2118 - (5 + 3~) + 7] = 34

To determine who is correct for each round, we need to solve the given equations and check the answers. Let's break down each round and solve the equations step by step.

Round 3:
Equation: (2+3z)-1+ 12+2- 3=28

Step 1: Combine like terms within parentheses
(2+3z)-1+ 12+2- 3 = (2+3z)+10- 3

Step 2: Simplify exponentiation within parentheses
(2+3z)+10- 3 = (2+3z)+10-3

Step 3: Simplify addition and subtraction from left to right
(2+3z)+10-3 = (2+3z)+7

Step 4: Set the equation equal to 28 and solve for z
(2+3z)+7 = 28
2+3z+7 = 28
2+3z = 21
3z = 19
z = 19/3

Conclusion: The correct value for z in Round 3 is z = 19/3.

Round 2:
Equation: 4z - 2.5 + (8 - 2) = 4

Step 1: Simplify addition and subtraction within parentheses
4z - 2.5 + (8 - 2) = 4z - 2.5 + 6

Step 2: Simplify addition and subtraction
4z - 2.5 + 6 = 4z + 3.5

Step 3: Set the equation equal to 4 and solve for z
4z + 3.5 = 4
4z = 0.5
z = 0.5/4
z = 1/8

Conclusion: The correct value for z in Round 2 is z = 1/8.

Round 3:
Equation: 2118 - (5 + 3~) + 7] = 32

Explanation: The given equation in Round 3 seems to have some unusual symbols "~" and "]". It's unclear what they represent, and without proper clarification, we cannot proceed to solve this equation. Please provide the correct symbols or equation to determine the solution.

Round 3:
Equation: (2+3z)- 3. + 12+ 2- 3 = 33

Step 1: Combine like terms within parentheses
(2+3z)- 3. + 12+ 2- 3 = (2+3z)+ 12- 3

Step 2: Simplify addition and subtraction
(2+3z)+ 12- 3 = 2+3z+ 12- 3

Step 3: Simplify addition and subtraction
2+3z+ 12- 3 = 2+3z+ 9

Step 4: Set the equation equal to 33 and solve for z
2+3z+ 9 = 33
3z+ 11 = 33
3z = 22
z = 22/3

Conclusion: The correct value for z in Round 3 is z = 22/3.

Round 2:
Equation: 4z - 2" 5 + (8 - 2) = 12

Explanation: The equation in Round 2 contains an unclear symbol "2"". It's not clear what it represents, and without proper clarification, we cannot proceed to solve this equation. Please provide the correct equation to determine the solution.

Round 3:
Equation: 2118 - (5 + 3~) + 7] = 34

Explanation: Similar to Round 3 above, the given equation contains unclear symbols "~" and "]". It's unclear what they represent, and without proper clarification, we cannot proceed to solve this equation. Please provide the correct symbols or equation to determine the solution.