Select the sentence which is correctly punctuated:

A) LABORATORY DATA: Admission labs showed a white count of 2.8.
B) LABORATORY DATA Admission labs showed a white count of 2.8.
C) LABORATORY DATA; Admission labs showed a white count of 2.8.
My answer is A but I feel like it could be C

A is correct.

Can you please check this one also?

The patient was pronounced dead by the janitor and _____.
A) me
B) myself
I said B as my answer


A is correct. The word, "myself" is seldom used.

The correct sentence is A) "LABORATORY DATA: Admission labs showed a white count of 2.8."

In this case, the colon (:) is the correct punctuation mark to use. A colon is typically used to introduce a list, an explanation, or a quotation. In the given sentence, the word "LABORATORY DATA" is being used to introduce the information that follows, which is the result of the admission labs showing a white count of 2.8.

Option B, which does not have any punctuation between "LABORATORY DATA" and "Admission labs," is not correctly punctuated because it lacks the necessary punctuation mark to separate the introductory phrase from the rest of the sentence.

Option C, which uses a semicolon (;), is also not the correct punctuation mark to use in this context. A semicolon typically connects two closely related independent clauses, which is not the case in this sentence.

Therefore, the correctly punctuated sentence is A) "LABORATORY DATA: Admission labs showed a white count of 2.8."