On a sunny afternoon. The stratosphere tower casts a shadow that is 140 meters long. At the same a nearby flagpole that is 10 meters tall cast a shadow that is 4 meters long . Wriré silve the problem

To solve the problem, we need to find the height of the Stratosphere tower.

Let's assume the height of the Stratosphere tower is represented by "h."

According to the given information:
- The length of the shadow of the Stratosphere tower is 140 meters.
- The length of the shadow of the nearby flagpole is 4 meters.
- The height of the flagpole is 10 meters.

Now, we can use similar triangles to set up a proportion to find the height of the Stratosphere tower.

The proportion is:

(height of the Stratosphere tower) / (length of its shadow) = (height of the flagpole) / (length of its shadow)

Translating this into numbers, we get:

h / 140 = 10 / 4

To solve for "h," we can cross-multiply and then divide:

4h = 140 * 10
4h = 1400
h = 1400 / 4
h = 350

Therefore, the height of the Stratosphere tower is 350 meters.

To solve this problem, we can use the concept of similar triangles. In this case, we can consider the tower and the flagpole as forming similar triangles with their respective shadows.

Let's define the variables:
Length of the tower's shadow = x
Length of the flagpole's shadow = 4 meters
Height of the flagpole = 10 meters

We can set up a proportion to solve for the length of the tower's shadow:
x/140 = 10/4

To solve this equation, we can cross-multiply:
4x = 140 * 10

Next, we can simplify and divide both sides by 4 to solve for x:
x = (140 * 10) / 4

Doing the arithmetic, we get:
x = 1400 / 4

Simplifying further:
x = 350 meters

Therefore, the length of the tower's shadow is 350 meters.