Simplify the expression.

6. –6 – 7(c + 10)

64 – 7c
–76 – 7c
4 – 13c
–16 – 13c

i think its b

Is that right

i think so but give me a sec


thats what ii came up with

You're welcome, Jman.

kk thanks unknown.gonegirl, and Ms. Sue

To simplify the expression 6 - 6 - 7(c + 10), we can follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS).

First, let's simplify the expression within the parentheses: c + 10.

After simplifying the expression in the parentheses, we can rewrite the original expression:
6 - 6 - 7(c + 10) becomes 6 - 6 - 7c - 70.

Next, we can perform the arithmetic operations from left to right:
6 - 6 gives us 0.
0 - 7c gives us - 7c.
-7c - 70 can be simplified as -7c - 70 = -7c - 70 (since there are no like terms to combine).

Therefore, the simplified expression is -7c - 70.

can someone take a look at my problem please? its Geometry please please please help