Rockumentary—a documentary that’s set to music! Create song lyrics about John Adams’ presidency. You may create your own or use the MyLyrics song template to guide you.

In your profile or song lyrics, be sure to include the following:

explanations of at least two major events during Adams’ presidency, such as the French piracy issue, XYZ Affair, buildup of the navy, Alien and Sedition Acts, or the Election of 1800
descriptions of at least two examples of civic virtue in Adams’ leadership, such as reason, patriotism, diversity, individual rights, the common good, justice, or truth

I don't know what to write

Can someone help me by starting off the poem

Miss Sue can you help me

(Verse 1)

In the years of old, a president bold,
John Adams took the reigns, his story unfolds.
Let's dive deep into his presidency,
Where history takes flight in a melody.

Come along, let's discover together,
The tale of John Adams, we'll sing it forever.
Rockumentary, a journey through time,
Exploring Adams' presidency in rhyme.

(Verse 2)
When French piracy struck, causing a stir,
Adams stood tall, his leadership to confer.
Diplomacy he sought, with peace in his sight,
Resolved the issue, with courage and might.

(Explanation of major event: French piracy issue - 1797-1798)
During Adams' presidency, American ships were being attacked by French privateers in the Caribbean. To avoid an all-out war, Adams sent diplomats to negotiate a peaceful resolution. This event showcased Adams' determination to protect American interests while seeking diplomatic solutions.

(Verse 3)
The XYZ Affair, a moment of strife,
Adams faced a challenge, threatening his life.
France demanded bribes, but Adams stood true,
Refusing to compromise, for justice he knew.

(Explanation of major event: XYZ Affair - 1797-1798)
The XYZ Affair was a diplomatic incident where French envoys demanded bribes from American diplomats in order to proceed with negotiations. Adams was approached with the names X, Y, and Z to keep their identities secret. He rejected their demands, showing his commitment to protecting American sovereignty and upholding the principles of justice.

(Verse 4)
Building up our navy, defending the seas,
Adams fortified our nation, ensuring our peace.
With ships like the Constitution, mighty and grand,
He safeguarded our shores, protecting our land.

(Explanation of major event: buildup of the navy)
Adams understood the importance of a strong navy for the country's defense. He implemented policies to strengthen the U.S. Navy, investing in new ships like the USS Constitution, which became a symbol of American naval power.

(Verse 5)
The Alien and Sedition Acts, controversial indeed,
Limiting immigration, stirring up lively debates.
Though Adams supported them, he showed his might,
Vetoing laws that infringed on individual rights.

(Explanation of major event: Alien and Sedition Acts - 1798)
During Adams' presidency, the Alien and Sedition Acts were enacted to increase national security. However, these laws faced opposition as they limited the rights of immigrants and restricted freedom of speech. Adams, despite supporting the general idea behind the acts, exercised his veto power and prevented even more restrictive measures from being implemented.

(Verse 6)
In the Election of 1800, a fierce competition arose,
Adams faced off with Jefferson, political foes.
Though Adams lost, he showed civic virtue bright,
Peacefully transferring power, ensuring our nation's right.

(Explanation of major event: Election of 1800)
The Election of 1800 was a pivotal moment in American history, where Adams ran for re-election against Thomas Jefferson. Despite intense political rivalry, Adams displayed civic virtue by peacefully stepping down from power after losing the election to Jefferson. This peaceful transfer of power demonstrated his commitment to the principles of democracy and the common good.

John Adams, a cornerstone of our history,
His leadership showcased civic virtue, a grand legacy.
Through triumph and challenge, he held the nation strong,
In song and story, his presidency lives on.

Come along, let's remember forever,
The tale of John Adams, we'll sing it together.
Rockumentary, a journey through time,
Exploring Adams' presidency in rhyme.