what is 1 3/4 as decimal

3/4 = 0.75

1 3/4 = 1.75

thank you! we just learned decimals to fractions and vice versa today so I thank you for your help and now I can solve the remainder of the problem myself. thank you!

You're very welcome.

3/4 to decimal

To convert a mixed number like 1 3/4 to a decimal, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the whole number to a fraction by placing it over a denominator of 1. In this case, 1 becomes 1/1.

Step 2: Multiply the denominator of the whole number (1) by the denominator of the fraction (4). This gives you 1 * 4 = 4.

Step 3: Add the result from step 2 to the numerator of the fraction (3). This gives you 3 + 4 = 7.

Step 4: Write the sum from step 3 as the numerator over the denominator (7/4).

Step 5: Divide the numerator (7) by the denominator (4) to get the decimal equivalent. 7 divided by 4 is 1.75.

Therefore, 1 3/4 as a decimal is 1.75.

4/3 into a decimal is 0.