trisha says that if 5/7 of her pencils are yellow,then 2/7 are not yellow. is she correct? explain


7/7 - 5/7 = 2/7



Yes. 7/7-5/7=2/7

Yes because 5/7 + 2/7 = 7/7

To determine if Trisha's statement is correct, we can use basic arithmetic to find out if the given fractions add up correctly.

Trisha states that 5/7 of her pencils are yellow. This means that out of every 7 pencils, 5 of them are yellow.

Now, if 5/7 of the pencils are yellow, the remaining fraction, 2/7, refers to the pencils that are not yellow.

To confirm if Trisha's statement is correct, we add the fractions:

5/7 (yellow pencils) + 2/7 (non-yellow pencils) = 7/7 (total pencils)

Since the sum of 5/7 and 2/7 equals 7/7, we can conclude that Trisha is correct. All of the fractions add up to the whole, representing all her pencils.