Are the punctuatons correst in the folowing sentence? All of his workers, needed food to eat, and water to drink.

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This sentence shouldn't have any commas.

To determine if the punctuations are correct in the given sentence, we will analyze each punctuation mark:

1. Commas (,): The first comma after "workers" appears to be correct as it separates the phrase "All of his workers" from the rest of the sentence.

However, the second and third commas in the sentence are not necessary. They create unnecessary separations within the sentence. Consider the revised sentence: "All of his workers needed food to eat and water to drink."

Since there are no additional items in a list after "food to eat," nor are there any additional clauses or phrases requiring separation, the commas can be removed.

Therefore, the correct sentence without unnecessary commas would be: "All of his workers needed food to eat and water to drink."