Contemporary communication studies now refer to public speaking as a form of __________ communication.

A. group

B. organizational

C. public

D. interpersonal

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The correct answer is C. public.

Contemporary communication studies now refer to public speaking as a form of public communication because it involves delivering a message to a large audience or a public. Public speaking is characterized by one person addressing many individuals, often in a formal setting such as a conference, seminar, or public event.

To arrive at this answer, you can start by understanding the different types of communication. Group communication refers to interaction between a small group of people, usually three or more individuals. Organizational communication focuses on communication within a specific organization. Interpersonal communication refers to one-on-one communication between two individuals.

After eliminating these options, the most suitable category for public speaking is public communication since it involves a speaker addressing a larger audience.

Therefore, the answer is C. public.