Can someone please proof-read what I have so far on my Spanish essay for finals? Here it is so far: Antes de ver al aeropuerto, es importante confirmer el vuelo. Haces la maleta con ropa para tus vacacion. Cuando llegas el areopuerto, recibes la tareta de embarque y ver a seguridad. Primero, enseñas tus identifación y tus tareta de embarque a seguridad. Segundo, pasas por seguridad y esperas para el vuelo. El itinerario enseña cuando el vuelo llega. Cuando el vuelo llega, haces cola abordar el vuelo. Después la salida, llamas a tus amigo para no llamas los pasajeros.

I'll send this to SraJMcGin, our Spanish expert.

There is no reason to use a "personal a" in front of aeropuerto as that is an inanimate object = Antes de ver el aeropuerto...

I don't know the level of Spanish you are in, nor do I know the "directions" for writing the essay. I would have used the imperative = Pack, instead of the "historical present" "you pack/do pack/ are packing. However, I will only correct any errors I see here.

tus vacacion = incorect as the adjective is plural and the noun is singular. IF the noun were singular the "o" would have an accent mark. The word "vacation" is always plural in Spanish = tus vacaci ones.

With a verb of "motion" you arrive AT or TO the airport...Cuando llegas al aeropuerto

"y ver a seguridad" makes no sense (and to see at security?) and you go to security? = y vas a la seguridad.

Same error with tus (plural) + identifación (singular). An adjective must have the same number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine) as the noun(s) modified. That is the grammar rule. = either "tu identificación" or if you ave more than one ID = "tus identificacines"

same thing with "tu tarjeta (misspelled)de embarque & I have no idea what "a seguridad" is doing th ere.

Even though English doesn't use the definite article with Security, it's better in Spanish = pasas por la seguridad. esperar means to wait FOR so you do not need to add "para" = esperas el vuelo.

The itinerary teaches/shows? It is an inanimate object; YOU will need to show it. "Cuando el vuelo llega, enseñas el itinerario"

Please understand that without the English of what you are attempting to say, I may not adjust this to your liking.

you line up "in order to" board the flight = haces cola para abordar el vuelo.

Después is an adverb but Después de is a preposition = Después de la salida (exit?) o r "after the plane leaves..." = Después de despegar (take off)...llamas a "tu amigo" or "tus amigos" para no llamar a (personal "a"_ los pasajeros.

What I need to see when you ask for a "translation" is: 1. your level of Spanish, 2. the explicit "rules" for writing the essay and 3. the English of what you are attempting to say.


Your final must be over? I's February 4 and I never did get a response!


Sure! I can provide some suggestions for your Spanish essay. Here is your text with corrections and explanations:

Antes de ir al aeropuerto, es importante confirmar el vuelo. (To express "before going to the airport," you should use "ir" instead of "ver.")
Haces la maleta con ropa para tus vacaciones. (The word "vacacion" should be in the plural form, "vacaciones," because it refers to multiple vacations or a longer vacation period.)
Cuando llegas al aeropuerto, recibes la tarjeta de embarque y pasas por seguridad. (The correct word for "airport" is "aeropuerto," and you "pasas por seguridad" to indicate passing through security.)
Primero, muestras tu identificación y tu tarjeta de embarque al personal de seguridad. (To say "show," you should use "mostrar" instead of "enseñar." "Personal de seguridad" refers to security personnel.)
Segundo, pasas por seguridad y esperas para el vuelo. (If you want to say "you go through security," you can use "pasar por seguridad." Additionally, it's better to say "esperas el vuelo" instead of "esperas para el vuelo.")
El itinerario muestra cuándo llega el vuelo. (To say "the itinerary shows," you can use "mostrar" instead of "enseñar." Also, use "cuándo" instead of "cuando" to specifically refer to "when.")
Cuando el vuelo llega, haces cola para abordar el vuelo. (The correct expression is "hacer cola" for "to line up" or "to queue.")
Después de la salida, llamas a tus amigos para no molestar a los pasajeros. (I assume you want to say "after takeoff" for "después de la salida." Also, "llamar" means "to call," but I think you meant to say "no llamas a los pasajeros" to indicate "not bothering the passengers.")

Remember to review and double-check the meaning and grammar of the changes I made before submitting your final essay.