There are 3 circles divided into thirds with a number in each third. The 1st cirlcle has 18, 23 & 49. 2nd cirlce has 25, 62, 38. The 3rd cirlce has ?, 17 & 39. We need to figure out what number is missing from the 3rd circle, and how you figured it out.

Make sure the number are in order then I will answer

To find the missing number in the third circle, we need to observe the pattern between the numbers in the first two circles. Let's analyze the numbers:

In the first circle, we have the numbers 18, 23, and 49.
In the second circle, we have the numbers 25, 62, and 38.

To find the pattern, let's look at the differences between the numbers in each third of the circles:

In the first circle:
23 - 18 = 5
49 - 23 = 26

In the second circle:
62 - 25 = 37
38 - 62 = -24

By comparing the differences in each circle, we notice that the differences in the first circle increase by 21, while in the second circle, the differences are not consistent.

From this analysis, we can extrapolate that the pattern in the third circle will likely involve an increasing difference between the numbers.

Now, let's calculate the differences for the third circle:

17 - ? = x (unknown number)
39 - 17 = 22

Based on the pattern observed in the first circle, we can assume that the difference between the unknown number and 17 will be 21.

Therefore, we can solve the equation:

17 + 21 = 39

So, the missing number in the third circle is 39.

By analyzing the patterns in the given numbers and the differences between them, we were able to determine the missing number.