Using Dimensional Analysis, how many moles of sodium is 32.5 g of sodium?

Could you please tell me the steps on how to solve this I am stumped.

Dimensional analysis is just fancy words for keeping up with your units. This is how this problem would be done.

32.5g Na * (1mol Na)/(22.9898g Na) = 1.41 mol Na

Here is a skeleton calc to show you what is going on:

(g Na) * (mol Na)/(g Na) = mol Na

Since we started with (g Na) and we want to know (mol Na) I created a conversion factor that would make the (g Na) cancel out and leave us with (mol Na) only. The conversion factor is:

1 mol Na = 22.9898 g

Hope this helps.

Thanks a lot.

Dimensional Analysis, also known as the factor-label method or unit-factor method, is a technique used to convert between different units of measurement. It involves setting up conversion factors and canceling units until the desired unit is obtained.

To solve the problem of finding the number of moles of sodium in 32.5 g, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the given information and what you are trying to find.
Given: 32.5 g of sodium
To find: moles of sodium

Step 2: Set up conversion factors.
You need to use the molar mass of sodium to convert from grams to moles. The molar mass of sodium is equal to 22.99 g/mol.

Conversion factor: 1 mol Na / 22.99 g Na

Step 3: Set up the conversion equation.
Set up the conversion equation by placing the given quantity (32.5 g Na) on one side and the desired unit (mol Na) on the other side.

32.5 g Na × (1 mol Na / 22.99 g Na) = ? mol Na

Step 4: Cancel units and calculate.
To solve the equation, cancel out the units of grams (g Na) and perform the calculation.

32.5 g Na × (1 mol Na / 22.99 g Na) = 1.41 mol Na

Step 5: Round the answer.
Since the molar mass is given with four significant figures (22.99 g/mol), round the answer to the same number of significant figures. In this case, the answer is 1.41 mol Na (rounded to two decimal places).

So, 32.5 g of sodium is equivalent to 1.41 mol of sodium when using dimensional analysis.