find circumference and area of circle use 3.14 for unknown round to nearest tenths. 2) r=11.5

show steps to solve

Ouch buds

3.14 tenth 8f

To find the circumference and area of a circle, you can use the formulas:

1) Circumference (C) = 2 * π * radius (r)
2) Area (A) = π * radius squared (r^2)

Let's go through the steps for each question:

1) Finding the circumference when r = 11.5:
Step 1: Plug the given radius value into the formula for circumference: C = 2 * 3.14 * 11.5.
Step 2: Perform the calculations: C = 2 * 3.14 * 11.5 = 72.2.
Step 3: Round the result to the nearest tenths: C ≈ 72.2.

Therefore, the circumference of the circle with a radius of 11.5 units is approximately 72.2 units (rounded to nearest tenths).

2) Finding the area when d = 3.5:
Step 1: Calculate the radius by dividing the given diameter by 2: radius (r) = 3.5 / 2 = 1.75.
Step 2: Plug the obtained radius value into the formula for area: A = 3.14 * (1.75)^2.
Step 3: Perform the calculations: A = 3.14 * (1.75)^2 = 9.61625.
Step 4: Round the result to the nearest tenths: A ≈ 9.6.

Therefore, the area of the circle with a diameter of 3.5 units is approximately 9.6 square units (rounded to nearest tenths).

area of circle is given by equation:

A = pi*r^2 ,
where A is area
pi is 3.14
r is radius

2) A = pi*(11.5^2) = 3.14*(11.5^2) = ?
3) radius is half the diameter d
so r = 3.5 /2 = 1.75
Then area is,
A = pi*(1.75^2) = 3.14*(1.75^2) = ?

Find the area of the following circle to the nearest tenth. Use 3.14 for Pi 8ft