Ellory budgets at most $20 each week for lunch. She has spent $17.75 so far this week. Write and solve an iequality to determine how much more Ellory can spend and stay within her lunch budget.

17.75 + x < 20

To determine how much more Ellory can spend and stay within her lunch budget, we need to subtract the amount she has already spent from her weekly budget and then set it to be less than or equal to zero.

Let's denote the amount Ellory can spend as "x". We will set up the inequality as follows:

Budget - Amount spent ≤ 0
$20 - $17.75 ≤ 0

Now, let's solve the inequality:

$20 - $17.75 ≤ 0
$2.25 ≤ 0

Since $2.25 is greater than zero, this means that Ellory can still spend up to $2.25 more and stay within her lunch budget.