I have a 73.3 and that is worth 70% of my mark. My final is worth 30%. What do i need to get on my final to finish with anything over a 70%?

(70/100)(73.3 + (30/100)x = 70

70(73.3) + 30x = 7000
30x = 1869
x = 62.3

you will need 62.3% on your final

.7(73.3) + .3(62.3) = 70

To determine the grade you need on your final exam to finish with anything over a 70%, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the weightage of your current grade. In this case, your current grade is 73.3, and it is worth 70% of your total mark.

2. Calculate the weightage of your final exam. It is worth 30% of your overall mark.

3. Multiply your current grade by its weightage. According to the given information, multiply 73.3 by 0.70 (since 70% is represented as 0.70).

Current grade weightage = 73.3 x 0.70 = 51.31

4. Determine the remaining weightage of your final exam. Since your final exam is worth 30%, subtract the current grade weightage from 100%.

Remaining weightage = 100% - 70% = 30%

5. Divide the remaining weightage by the weightage of your final exam. In this case, divide 30% by 0.30 (since 30% is represented as 0.30).

Required grade on the final exam = 30% / 0.30 = 100

Therefore, you need to get 100% on your final exam to finish with anything over a 70%.