Pool length (m) 9

Depth of pool (m) 1.6
Pool length (ft) 29

Is it correct to write that 9m (metric system) is 29 feet

1 meter = 3.28084 feet

9 * 3.28084 = 29.52756

9 meters is closer to 30 feet

No, it is not correct to write that 9 meters (m) is 29 feet. The metric system and the imperial system (which includes feet) are two different systems of measurement and have different conversions.

To convert meters to feet, you can use the conversion factor of 1 meter = 3.28084 feet.

So, to convert 9 meters to feet, you need to multiply 9 by the conversion factor:
9 m * 3.28084 = 29.52756 feet.

Therefore, 9 meters is approximately 29.5 feet, not exactly 29 feet.