on 3 tests you earned grades of 88%,94%,and 90%. Each test worth 150 points. The finalo exam is worth 250 points. How many points do you need on the final exam to earn 93% of the total points on tests? What percent do you need on the final?

. 88(150)+.94(150)+.90(150)+x(250)=.93(700)

Or you need 243points to earn a 97.2 percent

To find out how many points you need on the final exam to earn 93% of the total points on the tests, we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Convert the percentage into a decimal. In this case, we want to earn 93% of the total points, so the decimal is 0.93.

Step 2: Calculate the total points you have earned on the tests. Add up the three test scores: 88% + 94% + 90% = 272%.

Step 3: Convert the total points obtained on the tests into a decimal. Divide the total points by the total percentage (because each test is worth 150 points), like this: 272% ÷ 150 = 1.8133.

Step 4: Calculate the total points possible if you earn 93% of the total points. Multiply the decimal from step 3 by the total points possible on the tests (3 tests × 150 points each): 1.8133 × 150 = 272 points.

Step 5: Determine the number of points needed on the final exam. Subtract the total points earned on the tests from the required total points: 272 (required total points) - 272 (total points earned) = 0 points.

According to the calculations, you don't need any points on the final exam to earn 93% of the total points on the tests. This is because you have already achieved the required percentage through your test scores. Therefore, the percentage you need to achieve on the final exam is 0%.