Ben has 8 1/2. Pizzas to serve. How many pizza 1/4 pizza sized serving does he have??

8 1/2 = 17/2

(17/2) / (1/4)

(17/2) * (4/1) - 68/2 = 34 pieces

To determine how many 1/4 pizza-sized servings Ben has, we need to divide the total number of pizzas he has by the fraction size of each serving.

Ben has 8 1/2 pizzas, which we can convert to a mixed number as 8 + 1/2 = 8.5.

Now, let's divide 8.5 by 1/4:

8.5 ÷ 1/4 = 8.5 × 4/1

To multiply the fractions, we multiply the numerators (8.5 × 4 = 34) and multiply the denominators (1 × 1 = 1):

8.5 × 4/1 = 34/1

So, Ben has 34 servings of 1/4 pizza-sized servings.