Approximate the square root to the nearest hundredth

square root of 155

12. 449 (that's the square root of 155)
12.450 (i round it to the nearest hundredth)

am i correct????

square root of 22

4.690 (that's the square root of 22)
4.690 (i round it to the nearest hundredth)

am i correct????

Yes, it's right, but you don't need the zero.

12.45 is approximately the square root of 155.

ok thank you

square root of 43

6.5574 (that's the square root of 43)
6.5600 (i round it to the nearest hundredth)

am i correct????



so if there's nothing to round since the number next to the hundredth or tenth is below 4 I just leave it, right?

thank you! :)

ps --- you not just saying right or yes just so i can leave you alone, lol.

You're welcome.

what is the square root of 208

To approximate the square root of 155 to the nearest hundredth, you need to follow a specific process. Firstly, find the two perfect square numbers between which 155 falls. In this case, it is 12 squared (144) and 13 squared (169).

Next, find the difference between the given number (155) and the smaller perfect square (144). In this case, it is 155 - 144 = 11.

Divide the difference (11) by twice the smaller perfect square root (2 * 12 = 24). The result is 11 / 24 ≈ 0.4583.

Finally, subtract this result from the smaller perfect square root (12) to find the approximation. 12 - 0.4583 ≈ 11.5417.

Therefore, the approximate square root of 155 to the nearest hundredth is 11.54.

So, no, your previous answer of 12.450 is not correct. It should be 11.54.