What decade is 1512 or 1519 ? Is it the 15oo's ?

The 1500s is the 16th century.

The decade including 1512 and 1519 is the second decade of the 16th century.

Confused. I thought the 1500's was the 15th century.

I get it now thank you : ))

That is confusing. But remember -- this is the year 2012, but we're in the 21st century. The years 1 through 99 were the first century.

You're welcome.

To determine the decade for the years 1512 or 1519, we need to consider the rules around dating and time periods. In this case, we know that both years fall within the 16th century since both are after the year 1500.

To determine the exact decade, we can simply look at the tens digit in each year. In 1512, the tens digit is 1, and in 1519, the tens digit is also 1. This means both years belong to the same decade.

The decade is determined by the tens digit, so in both cases, the decade would be the 1510s.

Therefore, the correct answer is that both 1512 and 1519 belong to the 1510s, which is part of the 16th century, not the 1500s.