write order pairs for the following scenrios...

a). if the neighbor decides to pay with in the first hour wage $12.. then $14... then $16.... then $18.... and then $20....

b). you will work for $12 to retake, it takes you 5 hours to do the job

Sure, let me explain how to find the ordered pairs for the given scenarios.

a) In this scenario, the neighbor decides to pay increasing amounts of money for consecutive hours. We will create ordered pairs where the first element represents the time in hours and the second element represents the payment amount.

To find the ordered pairs, we start with the initial time and wage and then increase them step by step. Let's say the neighbor pays $12 in the first hour, $14 in the second hour, $16 in the third hour, $18 in the fourth hour, and $20 in the fifth hour.

The ordered pairs for this scenario would be:
(1, 12), (2, 14), (3, 16), (4, 18), (5, 20)

b) In this scenario, you are working at a fixed wage of $12 per hour to retake something, and it takes you 5 hours to complete the job. Here, the ordered pairs will represent the time taken to complete the job and the payment received.

To find the ordered pairs, we start with the initial time and wage and then increment the time by 1 hour until the job is complete. Since it takes you 5 hours to complete the task, the ordered pairs will start from 1 and go up to 5, with the corresponding payment being $12 for each hour.

The ordered pairs for this scenario would be:
(1, 12), (2, 12), (3, 12), (4, 12), (5, 12)

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to find the ordered pairs for these scenarios!