hello can u help me please?

write a few words about Machiavelli, Locke and how they are relevant today?

John Locke is another philosopher who is considered as relevant today for some of his ideas he expressed. His writings were a great influence to the founders of United States of Americas. Locke’s philosophical ideas inspired a revolution against the English rule. The new government was revolutionary or an experiment to liberal democracy. His philosophical ideas about government, freedom and natural rights doubt the power of the English monarchy in Europe. Locke philosophies affect the American declaration of independence. Today libertarians claimed Locke as their influence.

You've danced all around the subject! You haven't said what Locke wrote about or believed in.

Of course, I can help you with that!

Niccolò Machiavelli and John Locke are two influential philosophers whose ideas continue to be relevant today.

Machiavelli, an Italian Renaissance political thinker, is best known for his book "The Prince." In this work, he explored the nature of power and political leadership. Machiavelli argued that a ruler should be pragmatic and willing to use any means necessary to maintain power and protect the state. While this might sound harsh or ruthless, his insights into the workings of political power are still applicable today.

In the contemporary world, Machiavelli's ideas are relevant in the context of realpolitik, where leaders make decisions based on practical considerations rather than moral principles. Machiavellian principles are often observed in international relations, where states engage in strategic behavior to safeguard their interests. For example, the balance of power between nations, alliances, and negotiations are often governed by Machiavellian principles.

Moving on to John Locke, an English philosopher who greatly influenced the development of liberal democracy. Locke's ideas, expressed in works such as "Two Treatises of Government," laid the groundwork for many of the principles central to modern democratic systems.

Locke proposed the concept of natural rights, which are inherent to all individuals by virtue of being human. These include rights such as life, liberty, and property. Locke argued that government exists to protect these natural rights, and if it fails in this task, the people have the right to rebel against oppressive leadership.

Locke's ideas have had a lasting impact on political and legal systems around the world. His concept of natural rights and the idea of limited government influenced the writing of the United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Many democratic societies today still embrace the principles of individual rights, freedom, and limited government that Locke advocated.

In summary, Machiavelli's ideas about political power and pragmatic leadership continue to be relevant in the realpolitik of international relations. Meanwhile, Locke's philosophies of individual rights and limited government have shaped modern democratic systems and are still influential today.