Rhombus, rectangle, and squares


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A rhombus, rectangle, and square are all types of quadrilaterals, which are polygons with four sides. While they share some similarities, they also have distinct characteristics.

A rhombus is a quadrilateral with all four sides of equal length. Additionally, opposite angles in a rhombus are equal, making it a parallelogram. To determine if a given quadrilateral is a rhombus, you can measure its sides and check if they are all equal.

A rectangle is a quadrilateral with opposite sides that are parallel and all four interior angles measuring 90 degrees (right angles). To identify a rectangle, you can measure its angles and verify that they are all 90 degrees.

A square is both a rhombus and a rectangle. It has all four sides of equal length and all interior angles measuring 90 degrees. In other words, it is a special type of both a rhombus and a rectangle. You can recognize a square by measuring its sides to ensure they are all equal and confirming that its angles are right angles.

In summary:
- Rhombus: All sides are equal in length, opposite angles are equal.
To verify, measure the sides of the quadrilateral and check if they are all equal. Also, measure the angles to ensure opposite angles are equal.

- Rectangle: Opposite sides are parallel, all angles are right angles (90 degrees).
To verify, measure the angles of the quadrilateral and confirm they all measure 90 degrees. You can also check if opposite sides are parallel.

- Square: All sides are equal in length, all angles are right angles (90 degrees).
To verify, measure the sides of the quadrilateral and check if they are all equal. Additionally, measure the angles to ensure they all measure 90 degrees.