You have a single crystal of 100% pure gold. Identify which of the following defects you would expect to be present at room temperature.

Free Surface
Gain Boundaries
Substitutional impurity atoms
interstitial impurity atoms.

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Free Surface



To identify which defects would be present in a single crystal of 100% pure gold at room temperature, we need to understand the nature of these defects and their likelihood of occurring.

1. Free Surface: A free surface defect occurs when the crystal terminates and is exposed to the environment. Since we are considering a single crystal, there are no free surfaces in this case.

2. Grain Boundaries: Grain boundaries are interfaces between two distinct regions of a crystal with different orientations. However, a single crystal contains only one unified structure, so there are no grain boundaries present.

3. Vacancies: Vacancies are defects where an atom is missing from its expected lattice position. Even in 100% pure gold, some vacancies can still exist due to thermal fluctuations. Therefore, we would expect vacancies to be present, including at room temperature.

4. Inclusions: Inclusions are foreign materials trapped within a crystal during its formation. However, since we are considering a 100% pure gold crystal, there should be no inclusions present.

5. Substitutional Impurity Atoms: Substitutional impurity atoms occur when foreign atoms replace some of the original atoms in the crystal lattice. However, since we are considering 100% pure gold, there should be no substitutional impurity atoms present.

6. Interstitial Impurity Atoms: Interstitial impurity atoms occur when foreign atoms occupy the interstitial spaces between atoms in the crystal lattice. Similarly, since we are considering 100% pure gold, there should be no interstitial impurity atoms present.

So, the defects that we would expect to be present in a single crystal of 100% pure gold at room temperature are vacancies.